WW2 Re-enactors

Season 1 Episode 5

History comes alive as Dan Reynoso gets a glimpse of what it was like to serve in World War II by donning a uniform and going to war with the WW2 Military Commemorative Association, a group dedicated to preserving the history of the Second World War through re-enacting. Dan will be armed with knowledge from a World War II veteran and guidance from Bruce who’s part of the group. But in the end, will it be enough to take on the Germans?

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Amazon Customer
"Beyond Geek is Beyond Good. Fun and unique show. Keeps you entertained and is well paced. An enjoyable insight to all things geek!"
Robert Schneider
Robert Schneider@rnschneideriii
"This show is awesome! @beyondgeek lives the #geek life with great stories."
Old Man Weber
Old Man Weber@toddweberguitar
"Watching S2 on #amazonprime! The Kinetic sculpture race was outstanding!"

Related Links

Bruce walks you through the basics of what you’ll need to do to start reenacting.

Extended interview with Lloyd Klein about what it was like being in the glider infantry during WW2.